Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2nd day at work!!!

Today i didn't have much to do because for the 1st 2 weeks,i am placed at this impeller assembly department.So,i was just repeating the job i did yesterday.

Since that was the case,my supervisor Mr Nash offered me to help him in the admin department.I was tasked to do data entry for the financial year end stocks.

A software named AUSVANTAGE were used to key in the data's.The same system is being used by the Fantech Australian company.The main purpose of changing the normal traditional way of key-in data's using Microsoft Excel to this software is because via this software,the Australian branch can have a look whenever they feel like checking on the stock incoming and outgoing,damages,quarantines and so on.

I can say that today, i have been in the admin department for about half a day and learned to use a new software.I also did some chit-chatting with the admin staffs.It was fun today.

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